Watch an interesting project for one of our regular Clients, SPLAST Sp. z o.o. from Krosno – pad printing plotter, 3 colors, with a rotary table.
Training in the German company Thieme
A few days ago, our team – Sales Department, R&D and Keller Service Department, took a 2-day training in the German company THIEME – Customized screen & digital printing solutions, of which we are the exclusive representative for Poland.
The gentlemen got to know the company and its employees, gained comprehensive knowledge about sheetfed screen printing machines for flat printing and machines for digital printing. They also had the opportunity to participate in the printing process.
Entrepreneurship day at School
Yesterday, in the Vocational School Complex No. 6 in Poznań – Lelewel, took place a ceremony of signing patronage agreements by companies which cooperate and support the school in the field of practical training of young people. For this reason, our company could not be missing there. Keller has been actively participating in the life of the printing technical school for years, providing teaching aids necessary for learning.
During the event, Lelewel’s students presented their professional skills and prepared an artistic performance. The guest of honor was the First Deputy Mayor of Poznań, Mariusz Wiśniewski.